5 stars when this important feature is added. Pictures of their shelfie...Please add a feature to zoom!
5 stars when this important feature is added. Pictures of their shelfie...Please add a feature to zoom!
Love the concept and getting ebooks from my old OReilly titles.
Great app for readers who love paper but also read ebooks. The new shelfie feature makes finding eligible books way easier.
Fantastic app! I was so excited to see how many of my books had available ebooks (& many times free)!
this is an excellent idea with tremendous potential.
This is the singularly most frustrating app I have come across. I have loaded it on my phone on several occasions only to delete it in utter frustration each time (after multiple attempts to get it to work). I feel the concept is great, but the app (at least in my case) is so inclined to crash, freeze up and otherwise not work that I am conceding defeat. Im guessing it is not compatible with iOS 6.
I love love love the idea but the first two books I tried to add werent available. Not a great start...
Of the 500+ books on my shelf this app didnt have access to a single one.
All 500+ books on my bookshelf were used by this app and I can now read them anywhere!
The biggest problem of all is the lack of ebooks available. I suppose if my shelf was full of dollar bin books I would have better luck finding titles in the bitlit library. I guess I shouldnt be surprised. Offering free ebooks with physical copies would be a book industry game-changer and anything more current and best sellers would not be coming from a small time app. Other problems include having to sign in with Facebook or google+ and having to actually write my name in all caps on the copyright page. I like my books kept pristine. Im not going deface my property for the sake of an app that wont even have it in their system. Like I said, this app has a lot of nice ideas, but they really arent realistic.
So far not one book I own is eligible. Not only that, Im not sure Ill claim them if they are as I dont really want to have to deface my books by writing in them. As well, I wish there was a way to delete a shelfie. Before becoming familiar with the app I took multiple images of the same shelf and now all those books are in my list multiple times. As I said, good in theory but maybe not so much in practice... At least not without some fixes.
I saw the app on Dragons Den, downloaded it, took a shelfie of over 20 books, and only one was eligible. Maybe if the owners werent so greedy on the show and got a deal it would be useful.
I recently bought a 345 page text book. It’s excellent, but heavy reading - literally. I wanted to bring it with me on the plane. BitLit let me download a Kindle version. Much lighter and more convenient. Paper copy beside my bed and kindle on the plane. Thanks!
I love looking through real book shelves, its such a different way to find books, and see what people have read. Theres so many apps that have digital collections, but this is kinda different. Theres some bugs, but i really want to support the idea. Id love to do more with the app, so please keep working on it! I even got some free ebooks :)
I was about to buy some ebooks for a trip camping, but found some great ebooks I wanted to reread on here for free. Save yourself some money and take a shelfie.
I saw this on dragons den and I thought it was absolutely marvellous!
I took multiple photos of my few book shelves. I have about 25-30 books and only one was eligible and it still was only at discount price. Im deleting this app and just bringing my books with me I guess.
I started by taking 4 shelfies of about 80 or so books. The app was able to identify 20 or so. While the social connection to others who have read the same books is cool, of those 20, only 1 was been offered free, and 6 were being offered for under $3. I dont find this a fair trade to publishers who are receiving my email and preference information in return for using this app. Glad I used an email I created just for this. Either the developers need to forge more relationships with publishers or give users the option to share info only AFTER seeing what ebooks would be available to them. Also, if I claim the free ebook, Im planning on using my signature on an acetate rather than defacing my book as it requests you to sign your copyright page in each book. Thats a key misunderstanding of how avid readers treasure their collections.
Great concept but doesnt have enough connections yet so not enough books to take up space on my iPod.
Amazing app. HarperCollins and Macmillan are now on board! Awesome idea. Come on publishers. Get on board. Love the new shelfie feed and being able to explore other readers books.